Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pencil Sharpeners

"What do we need pencil sharpeners for in a building that is wired for maximum utilization of technology?"  This is a real question asked by an administrator when told by a faculty member that pencil sharpeners needed to be installed in classrooms.  Aside from the amazing DUH factor that should be considered (students still take notes, take exams, etc. in the classrooms), this response represents a bad trend in the academy.

Just because a classroom is wired for using the latest technology, does not mean it is the best pedagogical tool for use in the classroom in all circumstances.  Schools around the country are having this discussion.  On one side of the argument are those who say students are using their computers and we should encourage the use of electronic media in the classroom.  On the other side are those who argue that electronic media do not necessarily enhance learning.  Do my students learn best when taking notes on paper or when taking notes on their laptop while simultaneously surfing the internet or replying to emails and text messages because of having access to wireless connection in the classroom?  Should we as faculty have to police the classroom and add a distraction to our efforts to provide the best information and learning techniques to our students?  Well, we shall see what happens over time.

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