Monday, November 7, 2016

Tomorrow Is Not The End

I have not blogged in the last month.  Meant to say a few things, just got to busy to worry about typing it up.  But, to sum it all up...Tomorrow is not the end.  Tomorrow is an election day, an important event by all means of counting costs and benefits.  But, when we finish casting our votes...

For My Two Cents...

The United States will still face a huge debt burden brought on by bail outs that have not led to improved economic performance

The United States will still have racial tensions exacerbated by those who desire to create fear in the public as a means of furthering their own pitiful agendas

The United States will still have income gaps, because we still have not figured it out that equality and egalitarian are two different concepts

Philippine President Duterte will still be calling for his citizens to destroy the perpetrators of the "drug culture" in his country and this will still anger the human rights activists of the world

Philippine President Durterte will still be shopping around for the best deal possible from among the global powers--yes, we still have to compete with China and Russia

Europeans will still be in disagreement with one another about the efficacy of mass immigration and the damage it does to their cultural identity

The United States will still be a place where the public disagrees about accepting refugees and immigrants as we try to figure out how to secure ourselves and promote the general welfare without diminishing personal liberty

The United States will still be an occupying force in Afghanistan and too heavily present in Iraq as we try to figure out what we did not figure out to begin with--what does the end game look like in Afghanistan or Iraq

Daesh will still exist and still scare many people more than it should and many people less than it should

Putin will still be a strongman ruler in Russia doing whatever is within his power to ensure Russian relevancy in international affairs, and no he does not care what you think average Joe U.S. citizen

Xi Jinping will still be a "core leader" of the People's Republic of China, joining Mao and Deng in holding this title--and while he may care what average Joe U.S. citizen thinks, he is still more concerned with maintaining the CCP's control over China and China's position in the world

The world will still be a place where power matters, where all states are seeking to either secure more power or balance against the power that does exist

And, you are free to disagree with me on anything I have written here, and it will not likely change what I believe about these issues.

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