Thursday, April 3, 2014

Guitar Solos

As I sit here at my desk pondering the rest of my workday (love teaching an 8 am class, now I am done for the day to keep some office hours, do some reading, do some writing, or take a nap), I was thinking about my special role here at GCC.  My special role at GCC as I see it is to make sure that at least some of our students leave GCC with an appreciation for great guitar solos.  Blues, Rock, Jazz, hair band, classic rock, folk, heavy metal, grunge, whatever, there are some amazing guitar solos out there that prove all stringed instrument music does not have to sound like cats in a room full of rocking chairs (sorry Yo-Yo Ma, I love your cello work; you too Itzhak Perlman, anybody for Tchaikovsky Valse Scherzo op 23?).  This semester I have even been going through the Gibson Top 50 List in one class. has their own list as well.  I am wondering if anyone reading this blog actually cares?  I am also wondering how Joe Bonamassa's "Woke Up Dreaming" did not make either list.  Why don't ya'll let me know what you consider to be the 25 best guitar solos of all time.  And for my two cents, this one should be in the top 2 or 3...

(In most of his concerts, this is the piece that Joe does to give the rest of the band a break).

1 comment:

  1. I don't see how either of those lists can leave out Green Grass and High Tides. Is it the absolute best of the best? Maybe, maybe not. But it's absolutely one of the best and completely underrated.
