Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Ok, I was thinking about something today.  Y2K was supposed to bring life as we know it to an end because somebody did not program the number 0 and the number 00 properly in the underlying command codes for computers all over the world.  In the end, nothing happened.  Proof to me that techno weenies everywhere overstate their importance to our lives and would have been incapable of surviving if the lights really did go out (damn that was a great ending to a really poor, overdue sequel.  I am talking about Escape from LA for those of ya'll who are clueless, or just watch fewer movies than I do).

But what came next to my mind is that now in 2K12 the universe as we know it is supposed to come to an end.  Why? Because some extinct religion that was part of some extinct civilization (hey, the Mayan civilization is extinct--I've seen the ruins and art work to prove it) says that the cosmic calendar comes to an end this year.  So, when nothing happens this year what will be proven?  I'll bet on nothing happening and say it is proof that God will decide in His own time what the heck is going to happen to earth and mankind.  Hey, it may just be my two cents, but I think it also proves that the same people who expected the end of contemporary civilization in 2000 are still around and willing to listen to any doomsday prediction. 

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