Friday, December 16, 2011


Finals week has arrived.  This most wonderful time of the semester when I spend 20+ hours per day grading and giving exams.  So, I was thinking about the top annoying things students say and do during this time--of course, this is from the perspective of a professor, so student audience bear with me on this list.

1) Dr. Stanton, what do I need to make on the final to pass this class? 
--Well Johnny, can you do 6th grade percentages and 3rd grade addition?  If so, you can add up the grades on the assignments you have received from me and figure this out for yourself.  What you should ask is Dr. Stanton, what is my participation grade so I can calculate my current grade.

2) Dr. Stanton, can you tell me my grade at this point in time?  I want to know how hard I should study for the final.
--Well Johnny, here is your KICK ME sign to put on your back.  Also see response to #1.

3) Dr. Stanton, I know it is the first day of finals, but can we discuss the grade on my first test?
--The semester is already over. How did your first exam grade suddenly become meaningful?  If I am going to get grades done and spend quality time with my family during the Christmas Holidays, I do not have time to meet with students after the end of the semester unless a true emergency exists.

4) I'm sorry Dr. Stanton, I just realized that I did not show up for my presentation on the last day of class.  Is there anything I can do to make up for not being there?
--yes, study hard and hope you ace the final.  The semester is over.

5) Dr. Stanton, I know you said in class that I can take the final with the other section of the course.  Is it ok for me to take the exam with the other section of the course?
--do I really need to comment on this one.

Of course, I am sure that my students could come up with four or five things that we as faculty do to annoy them as well.  But hey, this is my two cents.

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