Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Do We Pay This So Much Attention?

I start this by openly stating that I am a Christian and believe that lifestyle is a choice.  Thus calling yourself homosexual is a choice, not a necessity of genetics.  Also, while I believe that those who choose a homosexual lifestyle are sinning before God, I hold no truck with those who would do harm or denigrate as human beings those who have chosen this lifestyle.  If this seems contradictory to some, I believe that love the sinner, hate the sin is in true keeping with the teachings of Christ to his followers.

So, what am I finding under my skin today?  I have a simple question, why are we spending so much time focusing on less than six percent of our population?  Do not tell me this is about fixing the wrongs of society done to a minority until you want to talk about Asian-Americans and Native Americans.  Homosexuality is lifestyle, it is not ethnic or national identity.  Civil Rights considerations have always based on racial and ethnic identity and there is no reason for this to change today.  This factor is why I do not understand the issue of same-sex unions/marriages.  If homosexuals want to enter same-sex unions, so what.  Of course, marriage is between one man and one woman in accordance with my faith.  But there is a kicker in all of the considerations of rights of homosexuals (again, this very consideration is silly to me), can you force chaplains in the military to officiate over homosexual union ceremonies?  This issue is under consideration right now in the U.S. 

If we say that we must protect the lifestyle choice of one group, how can we not protect the faith choice of another group?  While there are a few proclaiming Christians who say homosexuality is acceptable and homosexual unions are acceptable, these are only one view among Christians, and it is a hotly disputed view that has led to splits in denominations regarding the proper consideration of scripture and proper application of its teachings.  So, it is impossible to argue that Christians should be required to support and officiate same-sex unions.  What about the rights of the Christians? 

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